Sex Before Marriage

Sex Before Marriage: Is It Okay?

As Christians, we are called to live according to God’s standards and to honor Him with our bodies. One question that many people have is whether or not it is okay to have sex before marriage. In this blog post, we will explore what the Bible says about sex before marriage and why it is important to wait until marriage to have sex.

  1. Sex was created by God for marriage.

The first thing we need to understand is that God created sex and intended it to be a special and intimate part of marriage. In Genesis 2:24, it says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” This verse shows that sex is a physical representation of the spiritual union that exists between a husband and wife in marriage. Sex was created by God to be a beautiful and intimate expression of love within the context of marriage.

  1. Sex before marriage is a sin.

The Bible is clear that sex before marriage is a sin. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, it says, “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” Sex before marriage is considered sexual immorality, and it is a sin against our own bodies. God’s standard is for us to remain pure and to wait until marriage to have sex.

  1. The benefits of waiting until marriage to have sex.

There are many benefits to waiting until marriage to have sex. One of the main benefits is that it helps to preserve the special and intimate bond that exists between a husband and wife. Sex is a powerful and intimate act, and it is meant to be shared with one person in the context of marriage. Waiting until marriage to have sex helps to build trust and commitment in a relationship and can make the physical and emotional bond between a husband and wife even stronger.

Another benefit of waiting until marriage to have sex is that it helps to protect us from the potential consequences of premarital sex. There are many physical and emotional risks associated with having sex outside of marriage, including the risk of sexually transmitted infections and the risk of emotional hurt or attachment. Waiting until marriage to have sex helps to protect us from these risks and allows us to fully enjoy the intimacy and joy that God intended sex to bring within the context of marriage.

  1. The importance of self-control.

Waiting until marriage to have sex requires self-control. In 1 Corinthians 9:27, it says, “No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” This verse shows that we are to have self-control over our bodies and to use them in a way that honors God. This includes being self-controlled in the area of sexual purity.

It is not always easy to wait until marriage to have sex, but it is worth it. God’s design for sex is beautiful and purposeful, and waiting until marriage to have sex allows us to fully experience the joy and intimacy that He intends for us to have within the context of marriage. It also helps us to honor God and to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.

In conclusion, sex before marriage is a sin and goes against God’s design for sex. Waiting until marriage to have sex has many benefits and helps to protect us from the risks and consequences of premarital sex. It is important to have self-control and to use our bodies in a way that honors God. Remember, God’s standards may not always be popular or easy to follow, but they are always the best for us. If you are struggling with the temptation to have sex before marriage, seek out the support and accountability of Christian friends, pastors, or counselors. They can help you to stay strong and to remain pure until marriage. Trust in God and His plan for your life, and He will give you the strength and self-control you need to honor Him in this area.

Keywords: sex, marriage, Bible, purity, intimacy, self-control

Christian Wife

So you want to find a Christian Wife?

If you find you’re looking for a Christian wife, what you’re really looking for is a SINGLE Christian woman. I hate to break it to you guys, but looking for a wife may put you in a difficult situation. If you are looking for a potential wife, I encourage you to get out there and just start making friends with other Christian singles.

As someone who has been on over 65 first dates in the last few years, I have a few secrets on where to find these Christian singles. But first, you must be willing to put yourself out there. I know, you wanna be the cool guy who doesn’t have to try to find a godly woman to date. But I just got one question for ya: If that’s your strategy, how’s it working for you? I mean seriously, when is the last time you’ve been on a date?

And another thing I gotta say: it is not desperate to put yourself out there! I get it, it’s awkward, it’s uncomfortable, but we really are all in the same boat. We’re all Christian singles who desire marriage and in order to do that, we have to date. We’re not desperate dangit!!!

So if you’re up for the challenge here are four ways you can find Christian singles:

  1. Dating apps. I know, you hate to hear it, but I gotta talk about it. There are SO many Christian singles out there who are online and ready to date. My advice: give someone a chance you meet on an app. Take the pressure off and just see it as an opportunity to get to know another really cool person. Maybe it works out and maybe it doesn’t. And hey that’s okay!! Either way, you met another really awesome single and got to practice your dating skills. It really is that simple!
  2. Talk to someone in public. I know I know, this is one can be scary, especially for all of the introverts out there. But you never know who you may bump into. I encourage you to practice this, even with people who you might not have any interest in. Spark up a conversation next time you are at the grocery store. When you visit your local coffee shop, try to have a small conversation with the barista or someone you meet there. The key for this one is practice, practice, practice. I promise you will begin to enjoy it after a while.
  3. Taking part in your favorite activities. What’s your favorite hobby? Do you like to surf on the weekends, play volleyball or take your dog to the local dog park? Do you serve in your church community? Whatever hobbies you have, do more of them! And be open to the girls that are around you! And guys, be bold!! Start up a conversation with a girl you think is cute. It will be so much easier since you know you already share a similar interest with her!
  4. COME TO AN IYKYK DATING MIXER. Okay this one I may be a little bit biased toward, but it works y’all! We have two couples who are recently engaged and another who is in a serious relationship. . .and thats just the ones we know of!! The IYKYK Christian Singles mixers are a place where we gather up to 150 Christian Singles – even ratios of guys & girls -to get to know one another in a fun and safe environment. Each event is at a different trendy venue, we provide snacks and drinks and we have so much FUN. Since it’s a mixer we play games that facilitate light conversations so you can feel out if there is chemistry or not, and if there is, we have a whole system we use to help you connect with the ladies! We call them flirty business cards 😉  We travel all over to different cities and in each place, we get to meet so many Christian Singles who are craving Christian community outside of their local church. A bonus to going to one of these events is you will not only find a potential date, but also you will make so many incredible friends. We get a ton of amazing testimonials from people who gain so much more than a date from this event all because they were willing to put themselves out there.

So there ya have it, dudes. These are just four ways you can meet an eligible-and-Godly single lady. In fact, if you put yourself out there in at least one of these ways, I bet you could have a date THIS WEEKEND.

And remember King, you are bold! You are worthy of love, and you have so much that you bring to a relationship. So get out there and don’t be afraid to approach a cute Christian girl next time you have the opportunity!

To find out when we’re coming to your city, go to and fill out an intake form. In the meantime, make sure you’re also following us on Instagram and Tik Tok

– Mel
Co-Founder & Owner of IYKYK Dating